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15 Goats Run Off Massachusetts Worksite

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By Rebecca Obolo - - 5 Mins Read
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A herd of goats | Pixabay

We all crave for freedom, but only a few get the chance to actually escape. For some goats in Massachusetts, they always got their wish for a total escape after running off their worksite. Now what could have caused this? Do they feel maltreated? Why would these goats in Massachusetts run off? Are they also interested in a royal title like the golden goat who just got honored by King Charles?

The Great Escape

While the world kept on spinning in its axis, the town of Lynnfield, Massachusetts was thrown into chaos as some goats hit the streets. Not to protest, but let’s say that they wanted to escape their oppressors. The goats which were about 15 were chased by dogs that controlled a particular hood and the herd all ran helter scatter as they tried to flee the possible onslaught. 

This caused some level of confusion and laughter throughout the town as it brought about some sort of humor, as the goats were hiding and weaving their way around town. But would the dogs have been able to take on 15 goats?

These goats belonged to a goat landscaping business, Goats to Go, who had initially gone to work on a property before the goats were attacked. According to the business owners, they claimed that the reason for the goats escaping was because their natural herd instinct had been disrupted by the dogs. Michelle Aulson, co-owner of Goats to Go said: "Goats are herd animals, so when they're separated, they can get anxious and scatter."

A Wild Goat Chase

The deed has been done, and the next line of action was for the cops to sweep in and roundup the rogue goats. This wasn’t going to be an easy feat, as the goats had gone to hide in different locations while others terrorized the people of Lynnfield, albeit in a funny way.

Immediately, the Lynwood PD sprang into action and they soon started rounding up the goats. At first they were able to apprehend five of them on Tedford Lane, and they were brought in, although not for questioning. Soon enough, eight others were found by the morning of the next day, but they sure had had a long day, as they were tired from roaming the town.

Now that they were all almost found, the police department had to get into the next gear with finding the last two, Happy and Finny who were probably the bosses that planned the escape. These goats gave the whole town a good laugh, as they escaped and maneuvered their way from the long arms of the law.

The Goatfather: Happy and Finny’s Last Rodeo

Apparently, Happy and Finny were ready to make everyone sweat before they were caught, thereby giving the town a grand finale to the great escape. Happy was the first of both to be caught later the next day, but Finny ensured that the chasing party sweated a bit more.

For his last trick, Finny had gone to hide in the garage of one of the residents when he got trapped inside. The resident noticing the comotion had also seen Finny get caught, and alerted the Goats to Go team about the location of the last goat. The team came to capture the last escapee and returned him to where he belonged, thus ending the great escape.


For the people of Lynnfield, the exploits of the goats that run off the Massachusetts worksite were something to put a smile on their faces. However, who knows what was on the mind of the goats, could they have planned to escape into the wild?
