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BBC Proms is Hosting First Bristol Residency: The Details

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By Oyedele Feranmi - - 5 Mins Read
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Classical music is breaking new grounds, and the institution leading the push to new frontier is the BBC Proms. With their new residency opened in Bristol, they have decided to shape the classical music industry by bringing world class music to the Bristol Beacon. In a groundbreaking move, they have decided to expand their frontiers outside of London. This change would make classical music more available to a wider audience via the West Country’s vibrant hub. 

History of the BBC Proms 

The BBC Proms which was brought to life in 1895 has revolutionized classical music. Founded by impresario Robert Newman and conductor Henry Wood, these duo made high quality music a mainstay, and very much available to a broader audience.

To make this happen, they had to cut out the expensive seats in the opera house and transition into using stands. This made the shows less expensive and much more affordable for the everyday person. While the proms have evolved over the years, it is important to know that its core missions remain intact.

Proms Across the UK Series

In a new move to take classical music to the world, BBC Proms’ came up with an initiative and started the Proms Across the UK series. This program meant to align with the founders’ initial plan to take classical music around the world would kickstart in the UK. The plan is to bring about 17 concerts to different venues scattered around the UK.

This new series would be an addition to the existing 73 Proms concerts that are already running at London's Albert Hall. With this new initiative to decentralize the event, BBC Prom would be able to engage new audiences and celebrate the diversity of British culture and music.

Bristol Proms Schedule

So what’s the proposed schedule for the Bristol Proms weekend? Well, since the Bristol Proms is the inaugural residence of the move to take classical music to the world, the weekend is definitely power packed. Saturday would witness an Oliver Vibran composition by the Paraorchestra, with a unique interpretation of Mozart’s 40th Symphony alongside.

The following day will mark a celebration of the BBC Singer’s centenary featuring an acapella program. The acapella would include works from Tavenert and Britten. The evening concert also plans to be Ickes with artists like Dame Evelyn Glennie performing alongside the Bournemouth Orchestra. The final day will be highlighted by performances from CBeebies Prom, led by Kwai’s Ryan and the Southbank Sinfonia.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the aim of the founding father of the BBC Proms is to promote classical music and take it to a whole new bunch of audience.

This plan is one that is highly appreciated and with the introduction of the Bristol residency, it plans to do so much more than anticipated. We expect to see a wide range of iconic performances and exceptional talents on display. So if you can, ensure that you don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to experience the beauty of classical music.
