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Beginner’s Guide to Indoor Plants that Improve the Air Quality of Your Home

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By Funnyvot Auditorial - - 5 Mins Read
We appear to be obsessed with lush green rainforest plants. We want them to cascade down bookcases, sit sweetly on coffee tables, and reach gently for the ceilings. Remember that it's not just one component that keeps a plant happy; the combined influence of all of them, such as soil, watering, and humidity, is quite important.

Plants help improve the air quality of your home

Do you have a problem with poor indoor air quality? Purchasing some plants can be beneficial. Poor indoor air quality can harm your health and put you at risk for respiratory ailments, heart disease, and cancer. Adding extra plants to your home, in addition to changing your cleaning practices and investing in an air purifier, can help improve indoor air quality.

Plants not only clean the air, but they also make people feel better, according to studies.

Patients in hospitals who had plants in their rooms — or even a glimpse of gardens — had lower blood pressure and recovered faster, according to studies. People at offices who have plants around them are more alert and productive, according to studies. Even a view of gardens was found to lower the frequency of sick days. To do this, you'll need one plant for every 10 square meters, so consider placing one on or near each desk. Looking through the list of air cleaner plants, you'll be happy to see that a church fete or local nursery can sell a lot of common greenery.

Indoor plants that improve air quality:

Golden cane palm (Dypsis lutescens) Indoors, this plant grows to be 2 meters tall. Multiple gold-green stems and elegant fronds like bamboo. It requires good drainage and lots of light, and it doesn't tolerate temps below 15°C. The Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis') has long lacy fronds that can grow up to one meter tall and wide. It prefers a cool, well-lit location away from direct sunlight and regular watering, but drought is preferable to damp feet. When young, it's perfect for a hanging basket. Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum): The arching, pointed leaves of this plant dangle gracefully over pots, making it an excellent hanging plant. It develops long stems with small white blooms and plantlets that will establish roots and expand into new plants. It can survive for a long period without water and in both dark and bright conditions.  Epipremnum aureum (Golden Pothos) is a lovely vine that will climb up a post. Keep out of direct sunlight. Temperatures should be between 17 and 30°C, and the soil should only be watered when it feels dry. It's possible to grow it as a cutting in water. Peace lily (Spathiphyllum 'Mauna Loa'): One of Australia's most popular indoor plants, the peace lily (Spathiphyllum 'Mauna Loa') is one of the most effective air cleaners, even removing ammonia (a component of urine), making it ideal for bathrooms. Flamingo lily (Anthurium andaeanum) Another ammonia absorber, has brilliant red or pink spathes (a colorful sheath around a flower spike) and prefers diffused light, moist but well-drained soil, and high humidity. Chamaedorea seifrizii (Bamboo Palm): Produces a large number of bamboo-like stems with beautiful fronds. It prefers a shaded location and can reach a height of 3 meters. Soil that is wet and well-drained is ideal. Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii' (variegated snake plant): This asparagus related develops stiff erect leaves. Its leaves' pores only open at night, preventing water loss during the day and aiding the plant's drought resistance — thus it fills your house with oxygen as you sleep. Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii): This lovely daisy plant comes in a variety of flowering colors and is an excellent substitute for cut flowers. They are native to South Africa and withstand Australian temperatures well. They will thrive outdoors in warmer climates, but flowering indoors is more difficult. Rubber plant (Ficus elastica): This South-East Asian native can grow to be gigantic trees, although it can be readily pruned if it reaches the roof. Colorful varieties with red markings are available. Rubber is created from its white latex sap, however it can cause allergies. Although not the best air cleaner, it is one of the most aesthetically pleasing! Aloe vera (Aloe vera): Aloe Vera is well known for its cosmetic application, while the jury is still out on how effective or safe it is. It is a strong, drought-resistant plant that can even withstand frost and snow. It is native to the Arabian Peninsula. It prefers a bright area and well-drained soil indoors.