Blasting AC/DC songs through speakers make surgeons faster and more accurate
By Funnyvot Auditorial - - 5 Mins Read

In operating rooms, music is frequently played. It has been demonstrated that playing music reduces anxiety in patients during endoscopy and before surgery, while also functioning as a distraction and raising their pain threshold.
Music can also help cut down on operative time and reduce surgical team tension.
While most patients consider operating rooms to be peaceful spaces with just vital interactions, theatre staff know that they are more likely to resemble a rock concert.
According to a 2011 survey, 90% of UK surgeons listen to music while operating, a figure that was confirmed in a recent survey by the music streaming site Spotify.
A new study revealed surgeons who listen to AC/DC while performing surgery are more accurate and efficient.
The study also discovered that listening to fast-paced music tends to speed up procedures, while rock music was proven to calm surgeons and even drop their blood pressure.
Reduced time, accurate incisions
The doctors in the study reduced the time it took to make an incision from 236 seconds to just 139 seconds by listening to AC/Highway DC's To Hell and T.N.T.
"Our results show that both soft rock and hard rock can boost surgical performance," lead researcher Cui Yang of Heidelberg University, Germany, stated in Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery publication.
"The favorable effect of hard rock music was most obvious when the music was played at a high volume.
"It's likely that music with a lot of rhythm could give a tempo to keep the performance moving along and therefore improve task performance."
The Beatles' Hey Jude and Let It Be were two other songs evaluated in the study, and the results showed that playing music at a low volume increased the average time it took a surgeon to sew up wounds by up to 50%.
While the study revealed that listening to heavy metal might lead to bad food choices, another study found that listening to heavy metal can lead to unhealthy food choices.
Rock music, according to surgeons, helps them relax so they can focus on the patient. Various studies appear to confirm this, with studies revealing that surgeons who were able to listen to the music of their choice during procedures had stable blood pressure and pulse rate.
Music can also be used to drown out the noise of machines in the background. According to a 2011 study on the impact of music on operating room staff, music can help improve the job efficiency of medical personnel in the operating room. Furthermore, the majority of OT employees were aware of the benefits of music, and 87 percent agreed that it should be played in the theater.
The Royal College of Surgeons (UK) recommends that if music is played during surgery, it should not be distracting or loud enough to prevent staff from hearing vocal instructions.
How music taste can affect one’s health
Research published in Appetite, according to Consequence of Sound, reveals the shocking findings. A total of 215 cross-cultural individuals from the aforementioned countries were involved. They were given a variety of food options, both healthy and unhealthy, as well as other music.
A survey was taken prior to the study to decide what would be classified as a "healthy" or "unhealthy" song, with heavy metal and hard rock, unsurprisingly, falling into the latter category.
The participants in the study were given two different versions of the same song: one with slower tempos and major keys, and the other with powerful guitars, a rapid tempo, and minor notes.
Underneath, sound elements were added, including city noise for the "unhealthy" soundtrack and soothing ocean waves for the "healthy" soundtrack.
Participants who listened to the "healthy" song ate healthier foods, while those who listened to the "unhealthy" version ate fewer healthy items, which is rather unsurprising.
According to Danni Peng-Li, a doctorate student in the department of food science at Aarhus University and the study's primary author, the study discovered a "causal association between healthy noises and healthy food choice." Certain sounds, like tastes, were found to be bitter or sweet.
Certain musical aspects have a good or bad impact on surgical task performance.
The study's overall and major finding was that music's favorable influence on surgeon task performance outweighs its negative effect.
When played at a low to medium volume, classical music can improve surgical task performance by enhancing accuracy and speed. When playing loud or high-beat music in operating rooms, keep in mind the distracting influence of music.