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Dog Riding a Golf Cart Runs Over 4-Year-Old in Michigan

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By Jessy Sloan - - 3 Mins Read
A dog resting on the seat of a golf cart
Shutterstock |

A shocking, however unbelievable, incident happened in the United States where a golf cart hit a four-year-old girl. The incident, which occurred in Michigan, scared spectators. However, surprisingly, the little lady was back on her feet the next moment like nothing ever happened. 

The dog golf cart accident happened at a summer festival called Blues, Brews, and BBQ  in Westland, Michigan, and the fire department was also present at the event.  A dog from the fire department had tipped on the go pedal and caused the cart to run the little hole down.

The fire department dog, named Bella, was seated on one of the golf carts used for the event, but she suddenly jumped on the vehicle floor without warning and laid down on the accelerator.

This new position caused the cart to move forward. The firefighters quickly reacted to avert the danger, trying to control the cart from hurting people. They made futile attempts to redirect it toward the tents where the staff camped.

Sadly, the Westland Fire Department officials could not control the cart and bring it to a stop. They were unable to remove the key from the vehicle, and it struck a girl of 4 years, the passenger's side front tire running over her left leg in the process.

Everyone at the event was shocked and frightened for the little girl as the cart ran over her but to the utmost surprise of everyone, she was back on her feet in minutes and socializing as if nothing happened.

Also Read: Dog Lovers Are Furious After This Little Pup Was Seen Dragged By a Scooter

Although visibly shaken, the news said the little girl sustained no physical injuries and was back to eating her popcorn barely 10 minutes after the accident. Her mother also declined the offer of taking the child to the hospital for further treatment after medicals at the event found no injuries on the child. She was back to playing and jumping in the fire department bounce house.


Another mother who commented on Facebook claimed that her four-year-old child also received a bruise on her arm when the cart ran down the field, but the bruises were not that much.

The Westland Fire Department responded to the comment and apologized for the sad incident.

"We are sad that your daughter was hurt in this incident, but grateful that she is okay now. We also apologize, please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything from us," their statement read.

Based on reports from the Fire Department, the dog Bella is also perfectly fine. However, they made mention of extra precautions to prevent accidents like this.
