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Man Files Lawsuit Against Lottery Company that Deemed $350M A Glitch

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By Abi Gibson - - 5 Mins Read
Person holding lottery winning tickets
Photo | Unsplash

A US-based lottery winner known as John Cheeks is not taking matters lightly with the Lottery Company that denied him of his wins claiming that the number on the ticket was a mistake from the technical team.

Luck, they say, is infrequent to find, and winning a lottery that can change your entire way of life is rare luck to come by, but what do you do when you are told that your rare luck wasn't real and that it only happened by mistake?

This was the story of John Cheeks a resident of Washington DC, He has now resolved to take legal action by suing the Lottery Company (Powerball) in court after all attempts to get his winning of $350M from the company proved abortive.

According to John, the lottery agent had told him to get rid of the ticket and dump it in the trash can saying he would never get paid as the number on the ticket was a mistake. He said: " I sternly looked at him and asked, " In the trash can?"

John Cheeks bought the disputed Powerball glitch ticket on the 6th of January and only realized his luck after checking the lottery website two days later as he did not see the Powerball results on their website the following day. 

Cheeks, the lottery winner denied winnings said: "I got so excited but I couldn't shout or scream, I called a friend who advised me to take pictures of the ticket, which I did, and went to sleep". Cheeks further explains that the numbers on the ticket were a systematic combination of his family birthdays and personal information, the ticket was sold at $2. 

The Powerball Glitch Was An Accidental Error 

According to a spokesman from the lottery company, Powerball had employed a lottery contractor and the Taoti enterprise tried to explain that the confusion was caused by an accidental technical error. A quality testing team was working on the website the day John Cheek bought the ticket.

A set of Powerball glitch numbers was accidentally posted on the lottery website and some of them matched the numbers. Mr. Cheek's ticket, the numbers remained on the site till the 9th of January which was 3 whole days before it was eventually taken down.

Mr. Cheeks has sued the Powerball lottery company on eight distinct counts such as breach of contract, fraud, negligence, infliction of emotional distress, and more

Lottery Winner Denied Winnings Should Be Appeased 

The lawyer representing Mr Cheeks in court Richard Evans says; "Mr. Cheeks' numbers correspond with the one on the website so he is entitled to the entire win, otherwise, cheeks should be paid for emotional damages caused by the company for their discipline and posting of such massive lottery numbers.

The Powerball lottery is played in 45 states in the US including DC, the US Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico, and a ticket costs $2, all players are allowed to pick their preferred numbers or make selections using the computer.
