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Man Spins Phone 320 Times to Break World Record

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By Olumide Akinlaja - - 5 Mins Read
| Guinness World Record

The world is filled with billions of people who possess different abilities to do some marvelous things. However, not everyone has been able to find their own special talent, and all they can do is cheer from the sidelines.

Anyway, while others cheer and hope to find their spark, Chen Xiaoqing, recently set a new Guinness World Record for the most spins of a mobile phone. Weird, right? You would expect that a world record should be something more profound and grander, but hey, the definition of grand is relative.

From China with Love

Chen Xiaoqing, a resident of Fujian, China decided he was ready to leave a mark on the world and what better way to do that than to set a Guinness World Record. So, on March 9, 2024, Chen attempted the record of the most spins of a mobile phone with a finger in a minute. This was a goal that required way more than the determination necessary to undertake the challenge. It needed a great deal of hand-eye coordination and some wild finger dexterity.

On the day, Chen came with a focused demeanor, as he tried to set aside the fear and anxiety, and calm himself to undertake this challenge. Of course he would have been practicing, but this was different as he will have to perform on the world stage and in front of thousands of cameras. Anyway, once he began, he faced a few challenges, as the phone dropped a couple of times during his initial attempts.

On the final trial, Chen was able to spin a phone on his finger 320 times. This feat confirmed that he has set the record for the longest consecutive spins on a finger in a minute. However, his status as a world record holder wasn’t officially confirmed by the Guinness World Records until the 25th of July, 2024 when his name was added to the age long record book.

Mr. Catalyst

Once he set the record, it became evident that he had done something most people wouldn’t be able to do. This made the achievement much more impressive, judging by the amount of physical control and concentration that would be needed. So, what is the driving force behind such a record? Show off? According to Chen, the reason he chose to take on this challenge was to push the limit of human capacity.

Now that Chen has set the record for most phone spins on one finger in a minute, he became an overnight sensation. His record breaking feat has stirred up the curiosity in lots of people, and now they are all interested in breaking his record and setting theirs. But hey! Fair enough, right? Records are meant to be broken. We have seen many phone spin clips on social media in the past few days as many people attempt to match his feat and set a new record.

Final Thoughts

Chen Xiaoqing's record breaking feat is one that is quite impressive and a sort of inspiration to everyone. Although it might look mundane, it required a whole lot of commitment and practice to be able to break such grounds. Ultimately, as long as we believe, we can definitely achieve. We hope the achievements of Chen pushes more people to achieve new records and enter their names in the world record.
