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See The Goodbye Tweets From Retrenched Twitter Engineers That Will Make You Laugh or Cry

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By Augustine Mbam - - 5 Mins Read

Since the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, bought Twitter, many things have happened. With Elon Musk, you can be sure of a wild ride, and this is evident in how he runs his company. 

Elon Musk made his intention of his Twitter takeover known to the public early this year and went on to make a deal with the Twitter board. This went a bit south when Elon Musk decided to move away from the deal, making the case to be taken to court. 

The presiding judge had given Elon Musk the 28th of October as the deadline for the deal, or he will have a full trial at the court. Elon Musk finally completed the Twitter takeover on the 27th of October. 

With big expectations many people had expected Elon Musk to start as the new owner of Twitter with a low profile, but the reverse is the case. Elon Musk has made several controversial decisions, including laying off the entire human rights team on Twitter. Elon Musk had also placed a price tag on the blue check verification, which caused an uproar on the internet. 

Elon Musk pictured with old Twitter team

His most recent option, which still makes up the latest Twitter news, is the massive layoffs done at the company. Thousands of people have lost their jobs due to this long-awaited decision from the new owner of Twitter. 

Already, Elon Musk has warned that his new company will do many "dumb" things in the coming weeks.

"Please note that Twitter will do many dumb things in the coming months. We will keep what works & change what doesn't," he said.

Goodbye Tweets of Laid-off Twitter Employees Generate Mixed Feelings 

Apparently, one of the "dumb" and controversial things Elon Musk's management has done is their massive layoffs. The goodbye tweets of Twitter employees who were laid off generate missed feelings. 

Some tweets will make you want to laugh hard, and another will make you sad in a minute. But most of them are really funny for a goodbye tweet. 

One of them wrote, "My watch ends today with Twitter 1.0. It was an honor working with a great set of people over the last six years."


Another, who goes by the name Satanjeev, wrote, And just like that, after 12 years, I have left Twitter. I have nothing but love for all my fellow tweeps, past and present. A thousand faces and a thousand scenes are flashing through my mind right now - I love you, Twitter, and I’ll forever bleed blue."

A funny former employee who was also retrenched wrote, "After 2 rounds at the factory, I am also  saying goodbye."

The realization for Matt appeared surreal as he groped with his phone to make a quick goodbye video with his comrades.

Another named Jordan Terry wrote, "My time at Twitter is one of the best times of my life. Despite the ending, I will cherish it for the rest of my life. I’ve met so many incredible people and learned more than I could imagine. Peace out, everyone."

Another former employee who was more reflective wrote," I am going to miss this place. We built something special here, and I do not expect to see it ever again. I have worked here at Twitter for over 11 years. Back in July, I was the 27th most tenured employee at the company. Now I'm the 15th. I am not going to click 'yes'."


All the goodbye tweets above show you how the layoffs affected some people who worked on the social media platform. From those who had worked there for more than five years to those who were just in their first year.
