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Texas Woman Breaks Record for the Widest Tongue at 3.11 Inches

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By Oyedele Feranmi - - 5 Mins Read
| Guinness World Record

In an impressive display of human uniqueness, Brittany Lacayo, a Texas native, made headlines by setting a new Guinness World Record for the widest tongue of any female (alive or not).

Brittany has a tongue that measures an incredible 7.90 cm (3.11 in) at its widest point which further puts an end to the record that had remained unchallenged for 10 years; this is one of many superb Guinness World Records.

Before Brittany shook the world, the title of the world’s widest tongue (female) belonged to Emily Schlenker whose tongue measured 7.33 cm (2.89 in) and was measured in Syracuse, New York, USA. It is interesting to note that Emily’s father, Byron Schlenker, once held the result for the widest tongue (male).

For a decade, no one had come close to breaking this record—until now. Brittany's accomplishment surpassed Emily's and has earned her a place in the Guinness World Records.

The Journey to a Guinness World Record

Brittany Lacayo's journey to breaking the Guinness World Record began when her friend and colleagues joked at the size of her tongue.

This light-hearted banter however turned serious when her best friend showed her a video of Emily Schlenker, the previous record holder. After the video, Brittany began to think her tongue might be the widest in the world. Inspired by this, she decided to measure her tongue and was surprised to find that she had set a new world record.

The Official Record

The official measurement of Brittany Lacayo's tongue came in at a staggering 3.11 inches. To put this into perspective, the average human tongue width is around 1.8 inches. Brittany's tongue is nearly double that. Also, her tongue is almost as wide as a credit card!

Following the measurement, The Guinness World Record organization confirmed the measurement and awarded Brittany the title of having the widest tongue ever recorded.

Uniqueness of the Human Tongue

Brittany’s record isn’t the only ‘strange’ tongue-related achievement recognised by Guinness.

The record for the widest tongue (male) belongs to Brian Thompson, whose tongue measures 8.88 cm (3.49 in). Also, the longest tongue belongs to Nick Stoeberl, measuring 3.97 inches from tip to teeth.

Closing Thoughts

In achieving this remarkable feat, Brittany Lacayo has not only made history but also brought the diversity of humans to the remembrance of all. Her story will undoubtedly inspire others to celebrate what makes them one-of-a-kind, proving that even the quirkiest of attributes can lead to global recognition.
