When it comes to winning votes, politicians have tried just about everything. And we’re not talking about regular debates or handshakes. No, we’re talking about wild, over-the-top campaign gimmicks that leave us laughing (or cringing) at their creativity!
From serving McDonald's fries through a drive-thru window to handing out free beer, to dancing on stage, politicians worldwide have gone to hilarious lengths to make their mark. These aren’t your everyday campaign promises – they’re downright unforgettable stunts that give us a glimpse of how far candidates are willing to go for attention.
In this article, we will be showing you some of the funniest, quirkiest, and most outrageous political stunts – or call it campaign gimmicks – ever!
The Funniest Campaign Gimmicks We’ve Seen from Politicians Globally
Free Beer for Votes - Vytautas Šustauskas (Lithuania, 2000)
Imagine a politician showing up to a campaign event with a promise that speaks directly to the heart… or rather, the stomach!
That’s exactly what Vytautas Šustauskas, Lithuania’s self-proclaimed “King of Beer,” did back in 2000. Forget handshakes or flyers; Šustauskas had a foamy approach to winning hearts.
He simply offered free beer to everyone who attended his rallies. Yes, you read that right: free, cold beer, no strings attached! Of course, this campaign gimmick quickly became the talk of the town.
Šustauskas’s logic? If he could provide free beer on the campaign trail, surely he’d be a man of the people in office, right?
While some voters might’ve raised an eyebrow, many raised a glass instead. And while it was a questionable strategy (possibly skating the line of vote-buying), Šustauskas got everyone’s attention, solidifying his place in Lithuanian political folklore.
Whether they voted for him or not, people still remember him as the man who promised a cold one – on the house.
Fake Blood and Coffins - Joko Widodo (Indonesia, 2014)
Now, from beer to… well, blood!
In 2014, Joko Widodo (known as Jokowi) wanted to make one thing clear: he was out to end corruption in Indonesia, and he wasn’t afraid to be dramatic about it. So, he came up with a campaign gimmick that was a mix of Halloween and hard-hitting politics.

Jokowi held a “funeral” for corruption – complete with coffins and splatters of fake blood to drive his point home.
Picture this: Jokowi at a rally, standing beside a black coffin marked “corruption,” dressed in his usual simple clothes but with a fierce look in his eye.
The message was loud and clear. He was burying corruption for good, and he wasn’t going to let the country forget it. Sure, some people thought it was a bit over the top, but it resonated with voters who wanted an end to shady deals and political scandals.
This creepy yet clever gimmick turned heads and showed that Jokowi meant business. He wasn’t just a politician talking the talk; he was ready to put corruption six feet under – figuratively, of course.
Suit Made of Money - Pedro Kumamoto (Mexico, 2018)
When it comes to grabbing attention, Pedro Kumamoto knew exactly how to do it – by literally wearing his message!
In 2018, this independent Mexican candidate showed up to rallies and events draped in a suit covered in fake cash. Talk about making a statement!
With banknotes plastered all over his outfit, Kumamoto aimed to spark a conversation about the absurd amounts of money that flood Mexican politics.
The suit wasn’t just a fashion choice; it was a bold statement against big-money interests. Kumamoto wanted people to see him as the guy fighting for transparency in politics, and what better way to do that than to make himself a walking billboard?
With this campaign gimmick, he showed voters that he wasn’t in it for the cash but to change the system from the inside.
And whether people thought he looked ridiculous or rebellious, they couldn’t help but remember the guy in the money suit.
Dancing Politician - Jojo Binay (Philippines, 2016)
What’s a campaign rally without a bit of dancing? Filipino politician Jojo Binay took this to heart during his 2016 presidential campaign, where he brought his groove to the stage.
Imagine this: Binay, suited up, doing a catchy little jig to his campaign’s official theme song, surrounded by cheering supporters.
It wasn’t just a quick two-step; Binay had clearly put in some practice. His moves, paired with the upbeat music, made him seem approachable, down-to-earth, and maybe even a little fun-loving.
This wasn’t just a one-time thing either. Binay’s dance moves went viral, turning him into a bit of an internet sensation. People shared clips, made memes, and the "Binay Dance" became a campaign fixture.
For many, it was a refreshing break from all the serious debates and campaign speeches. His willingness to get on stage and have fun resonated with younger voters, who were more than happy to support a candidate who didn’t mind letting loose.
Coffin Ride - André Ventura (Portugal, 2019)
When it comes to political stunts, André Ventura went all out in 2019 with a campaign message that was as dark as it was dramatic.
To make his point about “burying” outdated policies, Ventura didn’t just talk about it – he climbed inside a coffin. Yes, you read that right.
Ventura held public events where he showed up with a coffin, sending a bold message that it was time to say goodbye to traditional politics.
This campaign move was so theatrical that it left many voters shocked, confused, or just plain curious. Ventura’s point was clear: he was putting “old politics” to rest, and he was the only one who could make it happen.
The coffin ride became one of the most memorable political stunts of the year, cementing Ventura’s place as a candidate who wasn’t afraid to go to extreme (and eerie) lengths to make a point.
For better or worse, people couldn’t stop talking about the guy who brought a coffin to a campaign rally.
“Running Man” on a Treadmill - Travis Allen (USA, 2018)
When California gubernatorial candidate Travis Allen wanted to prove his commitment to hard work, he took it to a whole new level – by filming himself jogging on a treadmill in a suit and tie.
In one of the funniest moments from politicians that year, Allen went full “Running Man,” pumping his arms and sprinting as he explained how he’d tirelessly work for California.
The video quickly gained attention, partly because seeing a candidate sweating it out on a treadmill was… well, a little out of the ordinary!
The message was crystal clear: Allen wouldn’t stop until he’d fixed California’s problems. Did the move make voters more readily support him or just left them amused?
It doesn’t matter. What we know is that the treadmill stunt became a campaign classic. It was the perfect blend of determination and humor, showing that Allen was willing to break a sweat – literally – for his state.
Giant Cutouts and Posters - P. Ramasamy (India, 2000s)
When it comes to political propaganda with a larger-than-life twist, P. Ramasamy in India set the bar high – quite literally. Throughout the 2000s, this politician became famous for his towering cutouts and posters plastered across cities, turning his face into a monumental presence.
These weren’t just your average campaign posters; they were multi-story tall, looming over crowds with larger-than-life expressions, striking poses, and, at times, even sporting symbolic props.
This massive approach was meant to leave no one in doubt: Ramasamy was a force to be reckoned with, and his campaign was impossible to ignore.
For Indian voters, the giant cutouts became part of the visual landscape, blending political propaganda with a splash of Bollywood-style drama.
Whether people loved it or found it a bit too much, Ramasamy’s towering figures stayed etched in their minds. And hey, when you’re quite literally looking up to a candidate every day, it’s hard to forget who they are!
Final Notes

Politics may be a serious business, but these wild and wacky campaign gimmicks show a touch of humor (or drama!) can make things memorable.
With different funny moves, politicians worldwide have proven that there’s no limit to creativity when it comes to winning votes.
These funny, quirky, and sometimes bizarre stunts remind us that a campaign doesn’t just have to be about promises – it can be a little entertaining too.