During the annual Ox cart racing in Cambodia, the villagers dwindled their wooden carts running up their Oxen in a bid to preserve the age-long tradition of round racing not minding the scorching afternoon sun.
Hundreds of villagers came out to the capital of Phnom Penh the field at Kampong Speu Province to witness the pairs of oxen that took part in the annual competition.
The oxen which were embellished with colorful head gears and masks were to run not less than one kilometer.
Khat Sokhay who was the organizer of the oxcart race said, "This is our variety of F1."
"We organize the oxcart race because the activity is almost totally forgotten"
The festival is organized every year to signify the end of rice season and welcome the mid-April and Khmer New Year.
The Khmer New Year is the greatest traditional celebration in Cambodia, the festival is celebrated extensively for three to four days.
According to the Cambodian calendar, their new year usually begins on the 13th or 14th of April, it is always determined by the "MohaSangkran" which is their ancient traditional horoscope.
Tang Sreang, one of the cart drivers at the event said, "In this modern era, cars are used for racing but we are preserving the legacy of our fathers by using the oxcart."
The elders and officials at the event further stressed that the major aim of organizing the event is to respect the legacy of their ancestors so the culture will not disappear.
The director of the Department of Culture for Kampong Speu Sun Meanchey said, "This is our culture and we must by all means preserve it."
He also spoke about his growing concern about the event ground used for festivals and oxcart racing in Cambodia being converted to homes and factories in the future.
"I'm more worried about the future because the country is developing, the rice fields might be converted into modern homes or factories".
Chhim Mao, another oxcart rider at the event said that the event has not only protected the ancient tradition, it also creates an ambiance of joy each time it is celebrated.
"I have loved the oxcart race ever since I was a little boy. Oxcart racing in Cambodia is a festival that is passed from the older generation to the young and upcoming generations.

An average ox's lifespan is usually up to 15 years which ascertains the probability that oxens in Cambodia might have participated in the oxcart race for over 5 consecutive years.
Siek Sothea, a first-time spectator at the oxcart race in Cambodia admitted the event was intriguing and beautiful to watch.
"This is my first time witnessing the oxcart race in Cambodia, I felt happy," he admitted excitedly.
"I would admonish that more people join the oxcart race so that the tradition will not disappear and will be passed on to the next generation," he added.