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Proven ways to find out if someone is faking a smile

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By Christian Webster - - 5 Mins Read
Close-up photo of a woman faking an awkward smile
Faking a smile | Shutterstock

In the intricate dance of social interaction, nonverbal cues play a crucial role in conveying our true intentions and emotions. Among these cues, the smile reigns supreme, shaping perceptions and influencing outcomes.

However, not all smiles are created equal. Mastering the art of discerning genuine smiles from their less sincere counterparts empowers us to navigate professional and personal settings more effectively.

The Science of a Genuine Smile

A genuine smile, also known as a Duchenne smile after the French researcher who identified it, is an involuntary response to positive emotions.

When you smile, two different muscle groups come into play. The zygomatic major muscle lifts the corners of the mouth, while the orbicularis oculi muscle creates crinkles at the corners of the eyes, resulting in crow's feet.

Importantly, the orbicularis oculi is less susceptible to conscious control, making it a telltale indicator of true happiness.

Close up photo of a woman smiling

Smiling | Unsplash

Think of a time when you received fantastic news or experienced a moment of pure joy.

The smile that likely spread across your face wasn't a calculated move but a natural response sparked by genuine happiness.

This involuntary engagement of the zygomatic major and the orbicularis oculi muscles is the essence of a genuine smile.

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Decoding the Inauthentic Smile

In contrast, a fake smile, often used to mask emotions or project a desired image, primarily activates the zygomatic major muscle. This results in a flat or forced smile, with minimal to no movement around the eyes.

Imagine the forced smile you might offer a coworker during a particularly dull meeting.

The corners of your mouth might be raised, but your eyes likely remain unchanged, betraying the lack of genuine amusement.

Fake smiles may also expose the bottom teeth, whereas genuine smiles showcase the upper teeth.

Here's an analogy: think of a genuine smile as a radiant sunrise, lighting up your entire face with warmth and joy.

A fake smile, on the other hand, is more like a hastily switched-on desk lamp—it creates superficial illumination but lacks the genuine warmth and depth of the sunrise.

The Benefits of Recognizing Genuine Smiles

Identifying a genuine smile offers a distinct advantages in various professional and personal contexts.

Here's how this skill can empower you:

  • Enhanced Communication: Recognizing genuine smiles fosters more effective communication. A genuine smile from a colleague during a brainstorming session signifies receptiveness to your ideas, while a forced smile from a client during a presentation might indicate a need to adjust your approach. You can tailor your communication style to better resonate with the other person and achieve your desired outcome.

Imagine yourself pitching a new marketing strategy to a group of potential investors.


Work colleagues discussing happily at the office

Sharing a smile at the office | Amy Hirschi/Unsplash


Their genuine smiles throughout your presentation signal their engagement and receptivity to your ideas. This allows you to confidently elaborate on key points and address any questions with the knowledge that your message is landing.

  • Stronger Relationships: Sincere smiles create a positive and welcoming atmosphere, fostering stronger bonds with colleagues, clients, and business partners. People are naturally drawn to those who smile genuinely, as it communicates warmth, approachability, and genuine interest in connecting. This can lead to more productive collaborations, increased trust, and ultimately, better results.

Think about a new hire at your company. When senior colleagues greet them with genuine smiles, it creates a more welcoming environment and eases their transition into the team.

This fosters a sense of belonging and encourages the new hire to feel comfortable contributing their ideas and expertise.

  • Effective Leadership: Leaders who exude genuine smiles are perceived as more approachable, empathetic, and trustworthy. This fosters a more collaborative and positive work environment, where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas and taking risks. Additionally, genuine smiles can help de-escalate tense situations and create a sense of calm during challenging discussions. A leader who can read genuine smiles can foster a team environment where open communication thrives.

Imagine a team leader facilitating a brainstorming session where tensions are running high.

To ease tensions and foster a more constructive discussion, the leader can offer a sincere smile and show respect for different perspectives.

A genuine smile from the leader indicates a readiness to listen and work together, fostering trust and a supportive environment within the team.

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Beyond Professional Advantages

Recognizing genuine smiles offers benefits beyond the professional sphere.

Studies have shown that smiling, even if forced at first, can actually trigger the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators.

Over time, practicing genuine smiles can elevate your personal happiness and create a more positive outlook on life.

Furthermore, genuine smiles are contagious. When you smile at someone, they're more likely to reciprocate.

creates a ripple effect of positivity that can brighten the day of those around you.

Imagine walking down a busy street and offering a genuine smile to a stranger.

Their surprised smile back can instantly create a connection, reminding you of the power


Recognizing a fake smile versus a genuine one can be very useful in social situations. Look for the signs: lack of eye involvement, absence of crow’s feet, and the visibility of bottom teeth.

Understanding these cues can help you better read people’s emotions and respond accordingly.

So, next time you see a smile, look closer at the eyes. Are they crinkling with joy, or are they just there? With these tips, you’ll become a pro at spotting fake smiles and appreciating genuine ones.

Smiling is an important part of social interactions. It can make us look more approachable and friendly. But genuine smiles truly make a difference.

They convey real warmth and happiness, creating positive connections with those around us.

By understanding the signs of a genuine smile and practising it yourself, you can enhance your social interactions and bring more positivity into your life.

Remember, a genuine smile is not just about moving your mouth. It involves your whole face, especially your eyes. So, keep smiling genuinely and spread happiness wherever you go.
