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TikTok hack from dental student reveals the perfect all-night studying secrets

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By Erika John - - 4 Mins Read
Screenshots of Kay Chung in her Tiktok Videos
Kay Chung makes Tiktok's of her study life | kaybchung/Tiktok

Did you know that there's a new trend on TikTok that can help you stay up all night for an important exam?

Preparing for a test or exam can be challenging, especially when staying up all night. But, thanks to this new TikTok hack, it's now more fun and easy to navigate.

It's like a game of tug of war between sleeping and staying awake, but with this trend, you won't have to worry about feeling bored or exhausted.

Kay Chung, a dental student at the University of California has been crowned the Patreon Saint of all cramming students.

Currently in her second year, this TikTok user has shared over 20 videos of her fun-filled all-nighters. The posts regularly garner views within minutes, with other students asking her to share the hacks and tricks she uses to stay hyperactive during her all-nighters.

Much to the relief of her fans, Chung has now revealed what it takes to stay active and stand all through the night to study - sipping coffee while she goes through over 700 slides to the realization that it's already a few minutes to 4 am.

Other medical students have admitted that they admire and enjoy her study ethics and find the TikTok hacks and tricks relatable. Her content undoubtedly raises awareness of the struggles of many students in medical-related fields.

The rare quality distinguishing Chung's all-nighters from several of its kind is her ability to show the less alluring side of getting ready for an exam.

She surprisingly shows the more demanding and difficult sides that others barely talk about. Most school-trend content only shows aesthetic pens, colorful study pads, and eye-pleasing content, but Chung lets her audience in on the sacrifice and dedication it requires behind the scenes.

Chung's all-night pulling-up method has gone viral on TikTok, quickly becoming a viral trend dubbed "pulling a Kay Chung" and has become a short route for students who study radically all night before exams.

In an interview with HuffPost, Chung says: "People admire the suffering part of it, and I try to show all the aspects it involves."

"I'm usually on the verge of crying most of the time, knowing that I may not have the time later," she added.

Everything You Need To Know About Chung’s School Trend TikTok Tips 

Chung's school trend TikTok hack is so effective because she not only crams but follows a step-by-step approach that makes her all-night cramming effective and productive:

  1. Chung carefully reviews her lecture notes two or three times. She also studies in advance three days before the exams.
  2. She copies down whatever she's unable to remember from the lecture in a notebook and then memorizes them 
  3. She opens a blank page to test her recall ability, writing down all she remembers on it before proceeding to read more.
Also read: Separated at Birth: Twin Sisters Reunite on Tiktok

Should You Pull An All-Nighter

Aside from the sheer stress of having to stay awake when your entire being is begging for sleep, studying all night has several disadvantages.

But let's not be too keen to hear the bad news. Let's examine the positives that all-night studying gladly offers.

For one, it is proven that the human brain can process more information at night. This somehow implies that it's easier to remember what you read the previous night when you face a test on a new day.

Moreover, we focus more at night as there are no distractions, and the brain is relaxed enough to help us perform creatively.

Now, back to the negatives. Studying all night may offer some quick benefits, but doing this for too long may negatively affect your body in the long term.

Some early cons of overnight study include tiredness from insufficient rest, general body weakness, headaches, and mental stress.

Let's be honest; every student you know, whether past or present, has once studied all-night. It's almost unavoidable at some point. However, we advise to prepare yourselves early for every school test, schedule your reading, and most importantly, give yourself enough time to rest.
