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Must Watch: Turkish President Smacks Kid For Not Kissing His Hand

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By Erika John - - 5 Mins Read
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his official visit to Ukraine
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish President | Drop of Light / Shutterstock.com

In a recent ceremony in Rize province, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sparked a heated debate on social media after appearing to slap a child on stage for not kissing his hand.

The incident has raised questions about Turkey's cultural norms and the significance of the traditional greeting kiss.

In Turkish culture, kissing the hands of elders is a deeply ingrained sign of respect and deference.

This gesture is often seen as a way to show reverence and humility, particularly towards an older person. 

The older person could be a parent, a teacher, an acquaintance, or a relative. But the hands of people who are younger or of the same age are usually not kissed.

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The incident occurred on the 27th of July at the opening of the Aider Plateau Protection and Renewal Project, a province-wide urban transformation and disaster housing scheme.

The viral video on X showed Mr Erdoğan extending his hand for a traditional kiss of respect from two boys who were brought on stage.

However, one of the boys was reluctant, which led to Mr Erdogan slapping the boy's face. The boy eventually kissed Mr Erdogan's hand, and the president handed both children some money as a gift.

Mr Erdogan's interaction with the child has raised different comments on the internet.

Certain critics commenting on the issue, “I wonder how he treats people behind closed doors if he can do that in front of the camera.”

Another commented, “This world makes me sicker by the day.”

However, others have defended Mr. Erdogan's actions, explaining that the hand-kissing gesture is an essential part of Turkish culture and a necessary correction for the child's hesitation.

The user commented, “Love it. Kissing the hand of your parents, elders, and grandparents is a sign of respect, especially in Turkey. If you don't do it, you get corrected, especially at a young age.”

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To understand the context of this incident, it's essential to delve into Turkey's cultural facts.

Whenever an older person holds their hand out towards you, it is a sign that they are anticipating a hand kiss.

The younger person takes it into their right hand and touches the back of the hand with the lips or the chin and afterward places it shortly to their forehead.

This incident is not the first time Erdogan has been seen interacting with children in that way.

In 2021, Erdogan was seen knocking a boy's head at the opening of the Salarkha Tunnel in Rize.

Last year, the president publicly slapped his grandson but later claimed he was merely stroking him, based on reports.

The Turkish greeting kiss is a complex cultural phenomenon that holds deep significance in Turkey's social fabric.

While Erdogan's actions may have been rooted in tradition, they have also sparked essential discussions about cultural norms and respect.
